Polymalt 100mg Tablets

Polymalt 100mg Tablets

Polymalt 100mg Tablets


In stock


Pack Size: 20’s

Composition: Iron (III) Hydroxide Polymaltose

Pharmaceutical form: Tablets

Brand Name: High-Q

Availability: In stock


Polymalt 100mg Tablets

Polymalt 100mg Tablets can be described as an Antiemetic medication. this tablet contains Iron Polymaltose which is one of the ingredients active. Iron Polymaltose is an Iron (III) hydroxide polymaltose complex that is utilized to treat diseases caused by Iron deficiency.

This Tablet is a drug that works by integrating into Red blood cell (hemoglobin) and aids in transfer more oxygen to the blood. This Tablet are recommended to treat Iron deficiency anemia. This Tablet is part of the iron deficiency.


  • Iron polymaltose is widely used to treat and prevent different forms of anemia due to low iron levels.
  • This medication is also used to treat heart failure memory and thinking skills as well as fatigue and other ailments.

Side Effects Of Polymalt 100mg Tablets

  • Nausea
  • GI irritation
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea (watery stools)
  • dark stools
  • heartburn
  • constipation (difficulty in passing stool),

How To Use

  • The medicine is best taken orally according to the instructions of your physician.
  • You can take it in combination with or without meals.
  • Talk to your doctor about dosage adjustments and duration of this medication.

Expert Advice

  • For oral use only.
  • Keep iron polymaltose stored at room temperature, away from direct sunlight and heat.
  • Be sure to keep it away from reach of pets and children.
  • Do not increase the dosage yourself, but follow the prescription of your physician.


  • This medication is not recommended for those with allergies to its components.
  • Consult your physician to get further advice.


  • People who are allergic to it or suffer from blood disorders.
  • such as Thalassemia (inherited disorder that produces insufficient or abnormal red blood cells) as well as the liver (liver) deficiencies.
  • insensitivity to iron, or iron overload could be susceptible to this medication.



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