Montiget Tablets 5mg 2×7’s

Montiget Tablets 5mg 2x7's

Montiget Tablets 5mg 2×7’s


In stock


Pack Size: 14’s

Composition: Montelukast

Pharmaceutical form: Tablets

Brand Name: Getz Pharma

Availability: In stock


Montiget Tablets 5mg 2×7’s

Montiget Tablets 5mg 2×7’s can alleviate and manage asthma-related symptoms (such as wheezing, breath shortness). It is taken prior to exercising to help prevent breathing problems while exercising (bronchospasm).

Montiget 5 mg Tablet is a montelukast-based drug and is part of a class of medications known as Leukotriene receptor antagonists.


  • It is frequently used to stop wheezing and shortness of breath that is caused by asthma.
  • It also reduces the frequency of asthma attacks.

Side Effects Of Montiget Tablets 5mg 2×7’s

  • Headache
  • restlessness
  • abdominal pain
  • increased sweating
  • anaphylaxis.

When Not To Use

It is not recommended for patients who have a history of hypersensitivity to the medication.

Expert Advice

  • You can take it with or without meals
  • Mix the granules in a blender or directly with carrot sauce, applesauce and even ice cream. Do
  • Not mix with not mix with.
  • Begin within 15 minutes of opening the package.
  • Contact your doctor if you experience an ongoing abdominal ache and abdominal pain. Skin
  • The skin is itchy, rash and unusual symptoms of congestion or cough, and worsening of asthmatic
  • If you are sensitive to aspirin be sure to stay away from aspirins and other NSAIDs treatment.


  • The medication is used to manage and reduce the symptoms that are caused by asthma (chronic inflammation of the lungs, characterized by narrowing of airways).
  • It can also be used prior to exercising to avoid breathing issues when exercising.
  • It also helps alleviate symptoms of hay fever (type of inflammation of the nose as a result of the airborne allergens) and allergic rhinoitis (such as sneezing, itchiness/runny/tight nose).

  • Do not replace abruptly with oral or inhaled steroid therapy.
  •  Avoid use in the treatment of symptoms that are acute.
  • Stop if signs appear.
  • Churg Strauss Syndrome are evident (disorder that is characterized by inflammation of blood vessels that restricts blood flow to organs as well as tissues).
  • The tablets chewable can contain aspartame.
  •  If you suffer from Phenylketonuria (disorder which causes reduced processing of the amino acid Phenylalanine ) or any other medical condition which requires you to reduce or avoid aspartame (or Phenylalanine) within your food.
  • consult your physician or pharmacist about the safe use of this drug.



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