
In stock


Pack Size: 120ml

Composition: Lactulose

Pharmaceutical form: Syrup

Brand Name: Hilton Pharma

Availability: In Stock



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  • LAEVOLAC 120ML SYP can be taken through the mouth as well as rectally, to prevent or treat complications from liver diseases ( hepatic encephalopathy).
  • It is not a cure for the issue, but it can aid in improving mental health.
  • Lactulose is a colonic acidifier that reduces levels of ammonia in the blood.
  • It is a synthetic sugar solution.

Side Effects

  • In addition, gas gas, or burping gas, burping, stomach pain or rumbling, nausea, and cramps could be experienced.
  • When any one of the symptoms persists or gets worse, inform your physician or your pharmacist immediately.
  • Be aware you are taking this medication prescribed by your doctor believes that the value to you is more than the potential risk and adverse consequences.
  • A majority of people who take this medication don’t suffer from significant side effects. your doctor immediately in case you experience any serious side effects such as vomiting, diarrhea muscle cramps/weakness, unusual heartbeats, mental/mood changes, and seizures.


  • If you are taking this medication by mouth for liver disease, take it usually 3-4 times a day or as directed by your doctor.
  • To improve the taste, you may mix it into fruit juice, water, milk, or a soft dessert.
  • The goal is to have 2-3 soft stools each day.
  • Dosage is based on your medical condition and response to therapy (i.e., the number of soft stools each day).
  • If you are taking this medication by mouth for constipation, take it usually once daily or as directed by your doctor.
  • This medication can also be given rectally as an enema for liver disease.
  • Mix the recommended amount of lactulose with 700 milliliters (24 ounces) of water or normal saline.
  • Give the solution into the rectum and keep the liquid inside for 30-60 minutes as directed by your doctor.
  • If you keep the enema inside for less than 30 minutes, repeat the dose unless directed otherwise.


  • Drug interactions could alter how your medication works or increase the risk of serious adverse side consequences.
  • This document is not a comprehensive list of all interactions that could occur between drugs.
  • Keep a list of all the products you use (including prescription/nonprescription drugs and herbal products) and share it with your doctor and pharmacist.
  • Don’t start or stop, or alter the dose of any medication without the approval of your physician.
  • Certain products that could interfere with this drug are anti-acids that contain aluminum or magnesium, or other medications for laxatives (such in cleansing enemas using soap suds)



  • Before taking lactulose consult your physician or pharmacist whether you’re allergic to it, or if you have an additional allergy. The product could contain inactive ingredients that can trigger allergic reactions or cause other problems. Consult your doctor for more information.
  • Before taking the medication consult your physician or pharmacist about your medical history, including the following: a diet with a low amount of galactose (such as one that does not contain any or a small number of dairy products) and any other digestive issues ( bowel obstruction), diabetes.


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